9 Ways to Keep Warm This Winter

Living in Pennsylvania means I’m lucky to experience all four seasons. I love how each season has its own personality and it is always exciting when a new one is just around the corner. With winter making its grand entrance soon, now is the time to prepare for brisk (and sometimes unforgiving) weather. 

For me, staying warm in my home is necessary. From cozy slippers to my beloved heated blanket and flannel sheets, I have my supplies ready to be warm and comfortable over the next few months. 

Being in the home industry, I am often asked what homeowners can do to keep heat inside and keep cold air out. Luckily, there are multiple things you can do to stay warm in winter - from simply changing gasket covers to upgrading the windows in your homes. 

Cellular/Honeycomb Shades 

Cellular shades (which are also called honeycomb shades) are the most insulating product we have. That honeycomb shape will trap the cold from coming into your home, as well as trap your heat so it doesn’t escape.

Cellular/honeycomb shades

An example of honeycomb/cellular shades.

Programmable Thermostat 

Put an end to those “Oh crap, I forgot to turn down the thermostat” days. The benefit of having a programmable thermostat in your home is that there are many options that allow you to adjust your thermostat from your phone. If you have a structured schedule and know when you’re away each day, you can set the thermostat lower for the hours you are away - regulating your home in a way that is energy and cost efficient. 

Wool Area Rugs 

Stepping on a cold floor is one of the most uncomfortable feelings on Earth - right below getting your socks wet. Wool area rugs prevent that cold-floor shock you get when you forget to grab your slippers or cozy socks. 

New Windows 

Updating your windows is one of the best things you can do to better insulate your home. Modern products have energy-efficiency features like insulated window glazing (when windows have two or more glass panes) and low-emissivity coatings on the glass. These features can help reduce energy loss by up to 50 percent. 

A 3rdGenBlinds client’s home.

Clean Furnace Filter

By updating your furnace filter for the winter, your furnace will run more efficiently during those chilly months. When furnace filters get dirty and pile up with dust and debris, that blocks airflow and makes your furnace work harder. A new filter allows for a smooth airflow that gives your furnace the room it needs to do its job.

Heavy Draperies  

Keep your home warm and give a room an update by putting heavy draperies over your windows. The heavy fabric will help trap cold entering through the windows and there are plenty of designs and styles that fit your home’s personality. (And draperies is a service we offer!)

An example of how 3rdGenBlinds can dress up your room with beautiful draperies!

Door Sweep 

A door sweep goes at the bottom of any door with access to the outdoors. By putting this affordable tool (typically $12) under your doors, cold air has a difficult time getting underneath and entering your home. 

Weather Stripping 

This simple home project can keep you warm and even save you some money on heating bills. Weather stripping your doors and windows helps keep cold air out and trap the heat in by sealing air leaks. 

Foam Gasket Covers

Did you know cold air can enter your home through your electrical outlets? A way to minimize this airflow is to use foam gasket covers. This upgrade is incredibly affordable and a swap that only takes minutes.

What are your favorite ways to stay warm during the winter?

Share them with me at Jessica@3rdGenBlinds.com

Thanks for reading.
